Our Program

Get with the program

Genesis One Network was founded in 2001 by John Easley in order to address the spiritual concerns of offenders and to provide services to them upon their release. There are many good prison ministries operating in the state. The primary difference is that Genesis One isn’t a church service program, but rather a life change through an accountability program. The process of becoming a G1 member starts when an offender attends a G1 meeting and fills out a Life Plan form. The life plan is the start in a journey for the new G1 member as they begin the task of preparing for their re-entry into life on the outside. To stay active in G1 requires each member to attend a weekly accountability group meeting, two church services per week, and the monthly chapter meeting. To become a full-fledged Genesis One graduate member the offender must meet the above requirements for six months.

This commitment changes lives. By having a group of believers around them holding them accountable, their attitudes begin to improve. Instead of handling a situation with anger or even violence, G1 members learn to think before they act. They learn that not only are they accountable to the Lord, but now they are being held accountable by the members of their accountability group. It’s now “What would Jesus do,” or, what would my accountability group say if they heard me speak or act this way. This begins a remarkable transformation in an offender’s life. Instead of relying on old behaviors that landed them in prison, they begin to make better choices. We stress that these changes continue when an offender is released. Our network helps them find a church home, mentors, transitional housing, and help job searching through Workforce Oklahoma. The national recidivism rate is at 68%, but for Genesis One it is only 10.1%, a sign that the program does work!

Our organization is built on volunteers, men, and women who have been called by God to work with the prison population.

Membership and Attendance Requirements

  • Individual must complete a chapter questionnaire and meet with the evaluation team to establish his or her own life plan.
  • Member must continually work the Life plan prior to release.
  • Membership is continuous. It will be suspended or terminated if the requirements of attendance, goals, and a high morality are not exhibited.
  • Individual must be an active member for a minimum of six months to be eligible to become a G1 vested member with all its benefits.
  • Attendance of monthly meetings are mandatory, unless member has an excused absence i.e. notification by staff, verified illness, etc.
  • Attendance of weekly accountability meetings are mandatory, unless member has an excused absence i.e. notification by staff, verified illness, etc.
  • Attendance of two religious services a week is the minimum mandatory requirement for members to stay active in the program.
  • Chapter membership is open to any individual regardless of race, age, gender, or religious preference.
  • Members are encouraged to pursue an active relationship with God, as part of their spiritual goals, which is the basis for their transformation.
  • If a member does not adhere to any of these attendance or behavioral requirements, the following actions will take place:
    • First Notice – member will receive a “notice to comply” letter.
    • Second Notice – member will go before the inside facility sponsor or the chapter sponsor to explain his or her actions.
  • If any member receives more than two infraction notices, member may be either permanently expelled or suspended from their status with Genesis One “as a member in good standing” for a period of 60, 90, or 120 days, at the discretion of the facility sponsor or the chapter sponsor.


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