
Hi there, Rob Martinek, Genesis One Board, here.

Before you give support to this ministry, I’d like to share a few things with you:

First, I’m amazed at the number of people we are able to reach through this little ministry. With a minimal staff and many volunteers, we are seeing our Lord Jesus Christ changing people’s character and lives and reducing recidivism throughout Oklahoma. Thank God for this open door to reach and bless so many. I never dreamed of being involved in such a wide-reaching and impactful ministry! Hallelujah!

Second, the generous support of so many people allows Genesis One to continue to exist. From the beginning, founder John Easley’s vision was to point inmates to Christ, getting them into loving accountability groups focusing on character development through a committed relationship to Jesus Christ. People like you make this possible, and we deeply appreciate your support and continued prayers.

In Christ,

Rob Martinek