Turkey Time

Hey everyone, we are really having the G1 Pot Luck this Saturday Nov.4th at Bethany Christian Church here in Tulsa on Sheridan starting at 6:30.  I just got back from buying a Turkey, almost 20 pounds.  I’ll fire up the smoker so don’t miss out on a tasty smoked Turkey.  So with that information, you can plan to bring other goodies that go with Turkey.

Let’s be in prayer for our members during these holiday seasons, it’s tough to be away from family and friends.  Chapter sponsors let’s be thinking how we can help our men and women find the joy of Christ during these times.  You may need to get approval from your Chaplain and through him/her the administration, so get started, DOC moves slowly at times.  Remember if you want to do something that involves food, either it’s store brought, or prepared by someone with a food handling license.  

I’ve been invited to Dick Conner for the G1 Thanksgiving banquet, looking forward to be with chapter sponsor, John Wood and the men.  Then it’s on the road to Harp to join chapter sponsor, Mark Campbell and the men for their Thanksgiving Banquet on the 16th, yep it’s Turkey Time!